Monthly Archives: September 2014

An Alabama Visit…and Blog

Although I just recently started this blog, I had been thinking about it for several years. I had a lot of ideas, and even made notes about it. But I kept putting it off…just too busy. About a year ago, while researching Brocade switches, I found a great site just full of useful information (Cisco, Brocade, ShoreTel, firewalls, and more), and I’ve been following it ever since. What surprised me though, was that his site looked just like the one I had envisioned. Somehow he must have hacked my computer and stolen all of my ideas!

Well, of course he didn’t…great minds you know. I guess this really shouldn’t surprise me as we are both southern gentlemen…he lives in Alabama and I’m originally from Georgia. You will like his southern humor and his honest writing style. So check out his site y’all…

Cool Network Tools – digHD

A fellow co-worker showed me this iPad app for “dig” called digHD, and I have to say it’s great. I downloaded it immediately and started playing with it…VERY cool and helpful. Of course I prefer using DIG at the commandline in Linux or Windows, but this will do when I don’t have commandline access.  You can do a lot of DNS troubleshooting with this, and it’s both flexible and easy to use.  It does cost $2.99, but well worth it.  Here is a screenshot…



Enjoy!!  (And yes, I do need to get my iPad plugged in quickly!)