CRON, CRONTAB, and Cobwebs

I found myself today working on my main SYSLOG server, which runs Linux (CentOS to be exact). I needed to change some startup scripts and update my CRONTAB entries. Note…CRONTAB is the process which will automatically run commands and scripts whenever you want it to…it can handle a lot of work when you are not around.

However, it has been a long time since I last worked with CRON and CRONTAB, and I needed to clear out some old cobwebs in the brain and refresh my memory on how all of this worked. I found a really good webpage that had some great explanations and examples for CRON and CRONTAB, and I was able to quickly get my changes completed and tested.

Check it out when you have a chance:

And remember, if you need to test your SYSLOG server, check out SYSLOGGEN.


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