A Great Day with My Motorcycle

Sometimes I love California, and sometimes I don’t. You’ve got crazy politics out here, earthquakes, fires, and a drought. All at the same time. But on days like today, I am reminded why living in CA is awesome…THE WEATHER!!

It’s in the low 90’s, clear blue skies, a light breeze…a perfect day to ride the bike to work. I’m not able to ride my bike to work often, as I have a fair amount of field work which requires equipment and tools. But today I could…and did! It was a great ride to work and out to lunch for a quick bite.


My personal stress reducer

Remember…in the midst of a busy life (work, family, stress), take time to enjoy the day. See the beauty of God’s Creation…it is all around you!

Have a great weekend!!

2 thoughts on “A Great Day with My Motorcycle

  1. Jared Moore

    Awesome Post! Work is busy and side projects are consuming. I have to remind myself to sit back and relax with a book or Bicycle ride every now and then.

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