A Busy December

I can’t believe that December is already over….it feels like it just started. I looked back and realized I only posted twice in the entire month of December…ugh!! It was just too busy of a month….not bad stuff mind you, but too much going on at the same time.

The first several weeks of December was busy playing my French horn in our church’s annual Singing Christmas Tree. It was a lot of work, but a wonderful time of music and remembering that Christ really is the reason for the season. I’m on the top row, on the left…

Copyright 2014 - Brian Scott Long

Copyright 2014 – Brian Scott Long

The rest of December was busy at work and getting sick. Yes, I missed Christmas day, being sick in bed. Oh well, I’m feeling better now. I’m hoping things will calm down a bit, and I can resume more regular postings.

I hope you have a great time this evening with friends celebrating the New Year! Be safe!!

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