You Know You’re a Geek If…

Yes, I’m a geek. If it has anything to do with technology then count me in. So for the last couple of days, the question in my mind has been:  iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus

I would like the added size and features of the Plus, but I’m not so sure how the larger phone will fit in my pocket. What to do? Create a full size replica of course…

My iPhone 6 Plus (some cardboard and a color printout)

My iPhone 6 Plus…two layers of cardboard and a color printout from Apple’s website

Yep…that did the trick. It’s a touch large in my hand but still easy to navigate and it fits in my pocket just fine. I’m looking forward to the larger screen as I do a lot of reading and researching on my phone. (Thanks to my fellow co-worker as it was his initial idea that got us going on this.)

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