Category Archives: Geek Stuff

Technology – Too Fast, Too Soon?

Technology is progressing at an ever faster rate, I think we can all agree to that. And there is nothing necessarily wrong with it. But we do need to be cautious and careful…we need to make sure we are fully in control of all this technology. Yes, perhaps I’m being a bit overly dramatic…but take a look at this…

Boston Dynamics “Spot” (Youtube) – Note…Google purchased Boston Dynamics back in 2013.

Isn’t that AMAZING??!! Incredible!! Didn’t you flinch just a bit when Spot was kicked? And the potential uses for Spot is huge…carrying supplies to soldiers in the battle field, searching for bad guys inside buildings, etc…endless possibilities. And it will not be long before there will be a Spot that can run much faster than a human. (Edit: They already do…I just came across this.) And in the wrong hands, Spot could be very deadly too. Just think about 2 or 3 Spots working together.

Edit: Take a look at this video, also by Boston Dynamics. I sure hope they don’t change their name to Cyberdyne Systems.

What about other disruptive technologies coming our way? How about driverless cars. Seriously, it will not be long before they will be on the roads in large numbers. What’s wrong with that? Perhaps nothing. But what if you are a taxi driver? Don’t you just know that a lot of taxi companies are just looking to the day when they can have a fleet of cars, and not have to pay a single driver.

How about airline pilots? Right now, planes can take off, fly to their destinations, and land themselves. Pilots are there to do a bit of taxiing and to take over should something go wrong. In fact, we have an issue now in which some pilot’s flight skills are “rusty” due to the constant use of the autopilot. And, when all of the planes are controlled by computers, guess what happens next? We don’t need all of those flight controllers on the ground….a computer can easily replace them too.

Ok…just one more example…drones…those small remote controlled copters flying everywhere holding a camera. Just an annoyance now, but drone technology is rapidly advancing. In fact, software is being developed that will allow many drones to operate together, in a “hive”, with a single purpose. So lots of cameras flying around? I don’t think so. What if each drone had a small firearm of some type? Ugh…I don’t want to think about this.

Am I being too alarmist? I sure hope so…I really do. And I will keep telling myself that.

Using Google for Better Website Searching

Here is a tip that really helps when searching the Internet…

When you are visiting a website and use that website’s Search  function, you may not always get the desired results. It happens a lot, let me tell you. A great example is Cisco’s website. They have a search function in the upper right corner of their webpage, but when using it, you tend to get a lot of marketing materials or other documents unrelated to what you are searching for. It drives me crazy sometimes. Here is a better way to handle this…

Let’s say you are wanting to research configuring port channels on a Cisco switch. You could search on Cisco’s website for “switch portchannels” and see what you get. (Go ahead and try it.) Next, go to Google and search for “switch portchannels”. That last search option tells Google to limit the search to just Try it and compare the two searches. Yes, this is a simple example, but let me tell you this technique works great. I use it frequently, and not just for Cisco, but for any search that I need targeted to a particular site.

So remember the “site:” parameter when using Google…it will give you better and quicker results.

If you are interested in other Google tips and tricks, check out their related webpage.

iPhone 6 Plus – Just Too Large, Right?

As you know from a couple of previous posts (Part 1 here, and Part 2 here), I’m trying to decide between the two new iPhone 6 smartphones. Both are incredible examples of engineering and design, typical of Apple, and like their previous models, they just work. Everyday. With no hassles or complications. When you depend on your smartphone for work-related communications (voice and messaging), you need a reliable phone. And if it’s engineered the way Apple does, so much the better.

My current iPhone is two years old, and it’s time to upgrade. I’ve been leaning towards the iPhone 6, as I just think the Plus will be a bit too big.

But then…I made a big mistake. I stopped by the Apple store this evening, and played with both a 6 and a 6 Plus. WOW…the Plus is stunning. The screen size seems just right, lots of real-estate to surf the web, read documents (which I have a ton of), and watch videos. Amazing clarity. Light weight, thin, and so well engineered.

I’m hooked. I’m getting a 6 Plus. Here is a picture of the 6 Plus I was playing with at the Apple store…

Getting my Geek on

Getting my Geek on

Yes, the picture does not do it justice…but I’m a geek, and I have to post a picture.

I’ll order the phone through my work next week. No telling how long it will take to arrive. But I am a patient geek.

Geek Stuff – Google Search Metrics by Language

I’m a geek and I’m always on the lookout for things that are interesting and technically “cool”. I ran across this recently….it’s one of the ways that Google is presenting information in a different and visually eye-catching manner, what Google is calling “geographic data visualization”. Take a look at Google Search by Language….it plots out Google search volume by language around the globe. VERY cool stuff!

Google also makes the code available for anyone to plot out whatever they want. Go to Google’s Chromeexperiments to see other visualization examples.


On Second Thought…the iPhone 6 Dilemma

I’ve been playing with my iPhone 6 Plus replica for almost a day now, and I must say it is really big. (Read my iPhone 6 Plus post if you missed it.) I’m now second guessing on whether to get the 6 Plus or go with the smaller 6. Of course, to properly determine which phone would best suite my needs required the construction of an iPhone 6 replica…to scale of course…

Just like before...two layers of cardboard and a color printout from Apple's website

Just like before…two layers of cardboard and a color printout from Apple’s website

The plain 6 definitely sits in your hand more comfortably and feels more secure, and the thumb can easily reach any of the icons. Here is a side by side picture…

Side by side comparison of my cardboard replicas

Side by side comparison of my cardboard replicas

Still not sure yet…this will require a bit more time and testing. But it is fun!

You Know You’re a Geek If…

Yes, I’m a geek. If it has anything to do with technology then count me in. So for the last couple of days, the question in my mind has been:  iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus

I would like the added size and features of the Plus, but I’m not so sure how the larger phone will fit in my pocket. What to do? Create a full size replica of course…

My iPhone 6 Plus (some cardboard and a color printout)

My iPhone 6 Plus…two layers of cardboard and a color printout from Apple’s website

Yep…that did the trick. It’s a touch large in my hand but still easy to navigate and it fits in my pocket just fine. I’m looking forward to the larger screen as I do a lot of reading and researching on my phone. (Thanks to my fellow co-worker as it was his initial idea that got us going on this.)